An advert played on the radio and it said something along the lines of...
"This winter you'll see homeless on the street, many of these people have alcohol and drug addictions, so don't give them money, instead, give money to a charity".
It is at this point I stopped listening because I was utterly pissed off with what I'd just heard.
Problems with that?
It isn't true to say that most people who are homeless have drug and drink problems, it's simply un-founded and not true. You can ALWAYS give them food, drinks, blankets, clothing.... anything you can give them to help them.... do it!
If you give to a charity, chances are, your donations will be swallowed up by "admin fee's", known in some charity cases to take about 40% of the income to the charity... and thus, no, I don't donate.
In summery, we're going into winter, these are harsh times even for those with homes. Last year over 18,000 elderly died in the winter because they were cold and couldn't afford the cost of living, but these had homes. We need to care not only for ourselves, but others too, at this time of year.
So DO NOT listen to adverts like the one I have mentioned. I will be forwarding a complaint to the ASA (Advertising Standards Agency) over this, and I will try to update if I can :)
** UPDATE 6/12/14 **
Today I have received an email from the radio station I thought I heard it on, turns out I was correct! Their email reads as....
thank you for your enquiry via our website, it's much appreciated. Apologies for my delay in getting back to you, I have been away from the office.
I believe the commercial that you refer to is part of the Liverpool City Council 'CitySafe' campaign.
This is the 2nd year that this message has run on our stations, and is part of a wider 'social responsibility' message that the Council is keen to make our audience aware of.
The website referred to in the ad' is - www.yourkindnesscouldkill. - hopefully this should give you all the information that you're looking to find.
If you have any further questions, please contact me on this address.
Best regards,
It seems the scheme is being ran by Liverpool City Council, who seem to be behind a push on trying to make people assume that all drugs are bad, which is why they're banned and that it's the poorest of society who are having problems with drug and alcohol. Unfortunatley for them, I've delt with the Department of Work and Pensions too much for me to be able to believe the utter bullshit.
I won't be letting this just fall to nothing, this really could cost lives.
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