In my own little battle against modern day racism and extremism, I like to keep an eye on who or what is the cause of it. It was at one time a joined battle of the BNP (British National Party) which has since folded and the EDL (English Defence League) which as with the BNP, has folded.
They're not completely gone however. Literally over night these two forces came together to create "Britan First", which to the outsider may well seem like a possible political group, is actually these days one of the most racist groups you can find, with their actions being along the lines of those of the KKK in America, which yes, is still going strong to this day.
So what is Britan First?
Britan first has a fairly strong hold on social media, especially facebook, where they would upload pictures for people to share, these could literally be about anything, but it was getting the name out there and of course people agreeing with what the group was saying. Then, as they grew in numbers, the group began to show exactly what they were about. Standing up against immigration in full, saying that it is standing against terrorism and extremism, without realizing the irony that their own actions cause terror and are indeed extreme.
Britan first does NOT want to put britan first, it wants to put forward its own version of bigotry forward, first.
So what am I doing?
I'm taking my time to try and educate people on what britan first actually is, what it stands for, who its members are and what they are up to. They seem to say one thing, but then do another, which I guess they learned from the EDL, who would kick off because a poppy was burned on memorial day, but then at the memorial services of the first world war, they had several members urinating on memorials.... Yeah, that kind of thing.
On social media it is hard to push forward the education of who this is, unless you have a better platform than I do, so, who can tell you?
Hope Not Hate is a social media collection of people who aren't afraid to point to racist people and say "Shh". Almost daily, you can find them posting something about britan first, and to be fair, the news they post signals to me, that it is a group that is full of trouble makers, but will never really get anywhere, and as with the BNP and EDL, it will fizzle out as time goes by. If for any reason I say this, it's because the group are already in boiling hot water, for their use of the royal crown, without consent (which yes, is still a crime in the uk). Government bodys are now involved and action is soon to be brought about against the leaders of the group, should they (which they will) fail to co-operate.
You can click here to be taken to the Hope Not Hate twitter account.
To finish off, IF you see anything by britan first on your facebook, or twitter, use that space to educate people that storming a mosque during prayers is classed as an extremist action and that britan first is supposed to be against extremist actions. Educate people that the level of immigration into the UK is not the reason why the country is in debt, or got into debt, or why there seems to be so few jobs around. Use the space to educate people that they should look into what actual Islam is, instead of being afraid of the unknown, that muslims do not hate dogs, that they are peaceful people and that most importantly, most muslims do not support things like the Islamic state.
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