Tuesday, 31 December 2013

My 2013 - what did it all mean?

My 2013 was possibly one of the most extreme years i remember ever facing and in so many ways. It literally was one of them years that would either make you, or break you, but it feels as if neither happend.

My year was bad in that i came face to face with the aftermath of domestic violence. I wasn't there to see it happen, but i saw how it can turns worlds upside down and change people. It was a bad year in that i was at times pushed into a sevear feeling of depression and loss after meeting someone for a short amount of time. It was bad that it would push my emotions futher than i think they've ever been pushed before and in complete oposite directions.

My year was amazingly good in that i no longer live alone, I have Trey. It was a year that saw me manage through some awful financial times and still manage to stay afloat. It saw me gain a bigger voice in speaking out for what i want to happen in my corner of the world.

2013 is a year that many are going to look back on and call a bad year, try to write it off. For me, i cannot do this, it hold's too many lessons and while yes, some of them are bad, i cannot afford to forget the good times, because i use them to fight off the next round of bad times.

In term's of meaning, 2013 mean's that my life changed, for the better or worse? THAT part, remains to be seen.

Happy new year to you all!

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