Sunday, 8 December 2013

100 posts, what am i like?

I've made it.

100 posts on my blogger and no sign's of slowing down either.... not that i have a schedule on here or anything, but still...

When i first started blogging, like, in full, i always remember having this urge of wanting to put my opinion out there and seeing what people had to say. Knowing that while my opinion might well be rare, i wasn't the only one to be thinking what i was thinking.

It kind of built on from that, i became used to speaking to the camera and kind of enjoyed it. Then of course, i decided that while i enjoyed looking back at video's, i wanted to look back at stuff i was doing too... and that's where life with bev came along. It was first recorded up at a car park near to where i live, i didn't even tell my friend what i was doing, i just stuck the camera on and... off we went.

Since that time, life with bev has had over 100 video's posted, however, for various reasons, some of them have been taken down.

I think the life with bev series is coverd quite well in the latest set of titles for the blog.

I was loving doing life with bev and the series took me over many journey's in my life, through high times and the low, but i was doing something that was annoying me.

See, i started using the video's as a way to vent my feelings and frustration's at thing's. The whole point of life with bev was for me to be able to look back at thing's that have happend in my life, not so much my opinion's on things. I then ended up setting up the BevRants youtube channel.

Around the same time, i started this blog off, thinking, maybe typing might be another way for me to vent how i feel, or be able to post stuff about my life... or letter's that i've had, that i couldn't show on screen... etc.

Today, this reaches 100 posts and you know... i couldn't be more happy. I mean, it's not the most viewd blog ever, infact, most days, these 100 posts will get no views, but then something will come along and will attracts hundreds of viewings.

Most importantly, i still enjoy posting on here, and for as long as that happens, well, here's to another 100 postings... *clicks glass*

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