For a little while now the great british public have been talking and yet again, the feeling is, we need to shut the borders and build up our own empire. I, on this topic, have remained quite silent upto now, because i have been amazed by the amount of brain washing that the media has on people, which is why alot of people are against immigration on the level that the UK is currently seeing. So, where do i stand on this.
I'm for immigration.
Why? you may well ask. Well, the simple reason is... it's a compliment that people want to come to this country. It bring's money into the country and it brings a different aspect to our culture. Alot of people at this point will probably already be throwing things at the computer screen in a bid to try and silence my voice, as many people do when it comes to this topic. There's very little "in the middle" on this, it's either a case of you're for immigration, in which case, welcome to the dark side... or, you're against it, in which case you'll feel you're on the majority side and should argue with those who see different, after all, it's clearly your country and you should rule who comes in and who doesn't.
Immigration works for me, because i tend to not like living in the UK (a clearly well kept secret of mine) and i have to wonder what the place was like where these people were, if they're coming here for a better life.
People are against immigration for many reason's, don't get me wrong, i can see their point, but topic's like how we should be keeping britan british, british jobs for british people etc, to me, just seem abit closed minded.
On the employment front, there's very few jobs out there at the moment as it is and immigration has been around alot longer than most of the jobs you'd find today, why's it only recently that you're botherd about who get's these jobs and if they were born here or not? Why didn't you care in the 90's? Maybe you'd preffer more for companies to leave the UK and find their "foreign" workers elsewhere, IE, a few years ago when many call centre's shifted over to india, from the UK.
On the keeping britan british, well please explain to me what is british these days? Long gone are the cucumber sandwiches in the afternoon with a cup of tea, the queen's speech at christmas is no longer the most viewd programme of the year, we don't say "jolly ho" to people we see... infact the only thing british that we seem to have held onto is the bad dental records.
When it comes to this topic, i think alot of people need to look at immigration for what it is. Stop being influanced by a media which is wanting to poison your mind, look into it yourself, you may get a shock :)
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