Monday, 29 July 2013

Were we right about the pope after all?

In what is basically some magical type of news, the pope, pope francis has said "who am i to judge gay people".

Quite honestly, i'm in shock. Really, i am, and i don't even follow the faith.

I'm shocked because for as long back as i can remember, the pope and the vatican have shown no love to gay people, they've called us fit to burn over the years.... then this happens.

I'm happy about it of course i am, i mean, it's the pope after all, surely it'll now shut up his little people who around the world come to condem us publicly as gay people.

See, in calling the gays fit to burn over the years, the church has lost ALOT of followers, i still know people who reserve judgement on this pope because they don't want to fall into the trap of thinking "he'll be the one to bring about change" and then be let down, as has happend with alot of pope's before francis.

I knew something was different about this pope as soon as i first saw him. I knew he was from a rather different background to other popes and seemed to be more on a level with people. Within a few weeks of him being in power, something had changed aswel, that was noticeable.....

See, gone are the days of the red carpet and big golden chairs along with all the bling. This pope is more down to earth in alot of ways.... then he comes out with todays comment of "who am i to judge the gays" and i get to being stunned like i am.

Now, don't be getting fooled at all. Just because the pope has said it, it doesn't mean that the faith has completely changed, it doesn't mean that everyone in the faith is all of a sudden going to ask themselves "well, who am i to judge".... BUT, it does mean the change LGBT people need from the church is on it's way, but as we've seen, change takes a while to come through.

People i've seen on social media question this move and say "why the gays". Let us not forget, the vatican and previous popes have supported black segregation, the slave trade, diss-allowing people to marry based on the colour of their skin.... yet has changed. While religions can be slow to catch up, change does happen in all of them eventually. My only question i'm left with now is.... how much can this pope change the vatican's stance on the modern day world?

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