Recently there's been talk all over the place about a possible vote on wether the UK should have any involvement in Europe or not. I'm putting my thoughts out there on this one and saying, no, the UK should back away from europe, sit back, pull out the popcorn and enjoy the political freakshow that is Euope.
1. Since we joined the EEC in 1973, we have been in surplus with every continent in the world except Europe. Over those 27 years, we have run a trade deficit with the other member states that averages out at £30 million per day.
2. In 2010 our gross contribution to the EU budget will be £14 billion. To put this figure in context, all the reductions announced by George Osborne at the Conservative Party Conference would, collectively, save £7 billion a year across the whole of government spending.
3. On the European Commission's own figures, the annual costs of EU regulation outweigh the advantages of the single market by €600 to €180 billion.
4. The Common Agricultural Policy costs every family £1200 a year in higher food bills.
5. Outside the Common Fisheries Policy, Britain could reassert control over its waters out to 200 miles or the median line, which would take in around 65 per cent of North Sea stocks.
6. Successive British governments have refused to say what proportion of domestic laws come from Brussels, but a thorough analysis by the German Federal Justice Ministry showed that 84 per cent of the legislation in that country came from the EU.
7. Outside the EU, Britain would be free to negotiate much more liberal trade agreements with third countries than is possible under the Common External Tariff.
8. The countries with the highest GDP per capita in Europe are Norway and Switzerland. Both export more, proportionately, to the EU, than Britain does.
9. Outside the EU, Britain could be a deregulated, competitive, offshore haven.
10. We would no longer have our benefits system paying out to people that do not even live in the UK!
11. Our NHS would no longer have to pay to treat people from other EU countries!
Any more reason's needed?
Look, these are only the political reasons why we shouldn't be in europe.... there's more than that....
He was a bastard that eventually the UK managed to get rid of, but only just, because of the Euro court of human rights. Wanna know what they've said today?
"The European Court of Human Rights has ruled the whole life tariff given to Peter Moore, the man who murdered four gay men for his sexual gratification in 1995, breaches his human rights.
Moore is one of three killers who have won an appeal in the Court on the basis that their sentences amount to inhuman and degrading treatment.
The judges ruled by 16 to 1 on Tuesday that there had to be a possibility of release and review of the sentence in order for it to remain compatible with the European Convention on Human Rights.
Reacting to the decision Prime Minister David Cameron said he “profoundly disagrees with the Court’s ruling”, adding he is a “strong supporter of whole life tariffs”.
The UK Government will now consider how it will respond to the ruling."
Now firstly, well done for David Cameron for saying basically "no" to this already. The man shouldn't be allowed to stay here at HM's pleasure, but that's the prison system for you. The ideal uk government's response should be a huge finger put up in the air, maybe, the middle finger, facing europe.
Yet again i cannot explain how much i'm fed up of this country because of our involvement with Europe. Not many of our political parties are wanting a public vote on this, yet if they listen to the british public, we're not all so keen on staying in, or having got in, in the first place. Yet all these political parties here, that claim to be listening to what the public want.... where's your call for a vote on this?
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