Thursday, 25 July 2013

The just-eat video

Ok well, i presume by now, probably a few readers of this will have already seen the video that me and Ian did, if not, have a look....

So i'd like to tell you all the little story behind it....

See, a few weeks ago, the Bev & Ian official page was opend up on Facebook and we managed to get a few likes (to tell the truth, we got more likes than we expected at first). I knew this was a step in the right direction as it gives us an area to post our own matereal and help us to carry on entertaining the people who like us when we weren't on a video.

Of course, Bev & Ian works as any other blog on youtube would, we need views so as we can expand our audience.

I decided one night to post on the wall of online take away company I asked if me and Ian could get some freebies if we mentioned just-eat in a video. Their staff commented back that they didn't just give stuff away, that we'd have to do more in order to get some.... So my reply? "What about if we do it naked, wearing chef hats".... the challange was on!

2 weeks later and the chef hats had arrived and so filming began.

We arranged the living room how we wanted to have it set up for the video and got ready. The idea at first was just to have ian saying the first line or two, then we would film an extra part to cut away to, so he'd say "we've all had hunger problems at some point, i know i have" then i would be edited in, holding a knife close to ian's face and say "give us all your food" and he'd scream.. We filmed it, but something just wasn't right with it.

We watched a longer version of the orig advert we were doing a parody of and re-wrote the script. Here's what the orig advert was like....

We moved the camera over to the chair and Ian began filming his segment again with the new script, we then moved the camera back a little bit and did the part where ian gets up and walks towards the camera.

Next was where i was in.... and my god, i couldn't remember any of my lines, it was awful!!!

So the camera moved around to me and i began filming away for my two lines (which alone, took about 5 minutes to film). We moved the camera to it's final scene and began to film that part, of course getting our words mixed up too!

Now not alot of people know this, but as soon as we finished filming that video, we got changed back into our normal clothes and filmed another video straight away! When both video's were filmed we then began to edit the just-eat video. We literally couldn't stop laughing at it all the way through editing and i knew we were onto something good here.

As soon as it was all edited, we uploaded it to youtube and for our view count, it exploded.

Not as in, millions of views, but when the adverage video view count currently stands at about 50 views, it's a big deal when one overnight gets 166 views.

I can't begin to explain to you just how much fun we really do have filming these video's and to see how much they're enjoyed by others just add's to the fun of it all. :)

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