Sunday, 7 April 2013

Are we about to see the end of HIV/AIDS?

"An amazing discovery was made at a research clinic in Nairobi in the 1980s. While scientists were studying the outbreak of HIV and AIDS among the country's citizens, they came upon a group of female prostitutes.
These women who should have been the most susceptible to HIV consistently tested negative for HIV over the years.
It turned out that this small percent of women coming into the clinic, about 5%, had somehow developed an immunity to HIV. Their immune systems were able to recognize and then kill HIV. This was a remarkable discovery.
Scientists ruled out the possibility of these women simply being extremely lucky by looking at the statistics. They found that most of the women had had between 500-2,000 unprotected sexual encounters with infected men.
In fact, the scientists found that the longer a woman had been a prostitute, the less likely that she would be infected with HIV/AIDS."

While that is a report about some VERY rare cases and most of us these days wouldn't have the time (or money) to sleep with over 2,000 HIV+ people, it does bring the question forward to me... How far are we from finding the miricle cure?

Over the past several months we have seen more and more news reports about babies that seem to be able to be cured of AIDS or people who have grown immune to either HIV or AIDS.

I think this is a topic i'm going to spend more time looking into, where in the past i'd simply brushed it off with the conclusion of "They can't cure it, but there's medication available", it is a very serious possiblity that a cure might just be around the corner.

Now a "miricle cure" won't be a new thing, i've spoken with many a person, who have been basically the tester's for some of the medication available today for people who suffer with either. Most of this medication has come with the title of "the next miricle cure" and while yes, it can help to prevent the symptoms, none have been able to actually get the human body to recognise the infection to the body and fight it off. Yet i can't really sit here much longer and turn my nose up at the current news which has been happening more and more recently that a cure might just be within our grasp.

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