Thursday, 28 March 2013

I found what made me happy again!

Something has laid dead in me for a long time, a side that even i had thought had been lost in me forever, yet yesterday, there is was for me to enjoy!

For some time now i've hated shopping, either by myself or with other people and for whatever we were there for. Food shopping has been a drag, clothes shopping? forget it, i'd rather be stood by the door wanting to go home or to a bar. All that changed yesterday and i don't know if it was just for the day, but i fear it might just be for a small bit of time.

Did anything happen to bring around this change? Yes!

See, regular readers may have noticed that i'm not the most well-to-do person when it comes to money, infact how i can afford to pay the bills is past some people, but i manage it somehow. On tuesday morning i woke up to a tax rebate! Not loads of money, but a nice little boost. I'm not over-due on bills and my finances look set to improve in the near future too, so i was happy with this.

On the wednesday, i badly needed my hair cut and i needed to put this cheque into the bank. I jumped on the bus and went off to the local town where my nearest branch of the bank is and where the best hair dressers is too! I was planning on meeting up with a friend of mine and then we'd be having a "pamper night", which was basically face-masks, films and chatter.

He met me in the hair dressers and after my hair was done, we decided that we'd go into some of the shops and have a little look at what was out there for when my cheque cleared.... THIS is where the difference in me took hold.

I was actually enjoying myself for once while looking at clothes, i was enjoying myself looking around shops that i'd have normally sat outside of!

We spent a good hour or two having a look around these shops, going into place's we'd never been before and place's we already knew of. We got our face masks and made our way back to mine (via the local supermarket to get something to eat).

Long story short here, we ended up making a video giving "Make up tips" to people and i must admit, i've not had such a giggle in a while when making a video, it was brilliant....

I woke up today actually really happy with myself. I'd only come home with aftershave and my haircut, but it'd been a really good day... so why do i think my mindset has changed?

Basically, i think it's down to the fact that for once, i was going to be able to pay for things myself, that if i liked something, i didn't have to ask for it, i could just buy it! ... Well, once the cheque clears i'd be able to anyway.

I like this mindset, i really do! I love my money and it always burns a hole in my pocket, but it makes me happy, THAT is what i've been missing.

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