For year's now in the UK, me and alot of other people have all been backing progress over the same sex marriage debate within the UK. Since we first started getting progress reports and infomation about what is going to be happening, i've been doing what i can to help move thing's along. This has involved taking part in plenty of survey's and poll's, some of which have been carried out by the UK government.
Of course one of the main argument's against marriage equality comes from our friends in religion, who for one reason or another, have a chip on their shoulder when it comes to this debate. Some argument's have actually made me laugh out loud, like when the church of england said how they were against redenfining marriage, yet why was the church created in the first place? History tells us it was created by king henry the 8th, who wanted marriage re-defined so he could get a divorce, since no other religion was allowing it at the time, simple fact for you right there.
As this debate reaches a big step, in being debated in the houses of parliment, something odd has happend which has made me actually want to go against the bill as it stands.
While at the current time, news headline's are grabbed by saying that "Gay marriage" or "marriage equality" is up for debate and will be voted on, they forget to say that in the small print of this bill is a blanket ban for the church of England and wales.
See, the system would be set up that places of worship would either opt in or opt out of performing same sex marriage, which is a system i can easily live with, sure it will cause problems for some, but for me, it wouldn't really bother me too much because in one way or another, all same sex couple's in the UK would be able to be legally married. To put a ban on any place of worship from being able to opt into the system or opt out is absolutly not needed, it should be left down to the place of worship itself.
Now while yes, this isn't the longest post i've ever done, i will simply finsh off by saying, either way this bill goes i'm not botherd. If it goes forward then brilliant, we have same sex marriage, but if it doesn't go our way, then it gives us chance to ammend the bill and put it back through parliment again. Yes it would cause delays, but theres no need for a ban on any place of worship at the moment.
Thank you.
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