In 2014 while the UK seems split down the middle on what the government are doing to get us out of recession, it seems that we are allowing our poor to go poorer and the richer to keep growing their nest egg's any way that they seem it fit to do so, even if it means avoiding paying the right amount of tax.
Over the past few years theres been a surge in the number of food banks that exist, the use of them has gone through the roof.... yet, what at the top is being done?
Personally, i love food banks. It's charity at it's strongest, because you can see in your own community the impact that these are having on people, who for the first time in what could be a while, are able to have something to eat. I personally know what it is like to have no food in the cubards, to have to turn the heating off during winter because the money to pay the pre-payment meter just doesn't exist. I know life can be quite shitty at times.
However, many people are against food banks, they don't seem to grasp how so many people these days don't have enough money to be able to feed themselves and so of course they will then claim that they don't earn enough money etc, which is of course people just wanting something for nothing. In reality, the main ways to get use out of a food bank is to be refferd by a doctor or even the jobcentre. Some food banks operate where they will only allow the homeless in.... there's a wide range of types of food banks, but all of them are having a positive impact on the most poor people in society.
We as a nation, have a crisis on our hands. You look at the likes of africa and think "naww, thats sad", because you see about the people that have no food, no water, literally, nothing in the world. While you're right to feel bad for them, trust me when i say this, there's many people like that in the UK, right now. We need to take action, and fast.
In some shops, supermarkets etc, you may see a trolly over to one side with a note on the front. In many cases these are donation trollys for food banks.... stick something in if you can. I'm not saying to go and spend hundreds on food for them, unless you can afford to do so, but put it this way, you might only be chucking in a can of beans, but that 1 can of beans may be the difference between a child going to bed hungry, or not.
While you're online, give a little google to foodbanks, see if they need help and if you can, donate some of your time. Find some petitions and sign them, lets get the top dogs to ACTUALLY do something about this.
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