Thursday, 3 April 2014

Another shooting in the USA? ... Oh.

This is apparently becoming a problem because i "should be worried" about certain incidents happening... yet... i just can't seem to be able to show any emotion over this anymore because... well... kinda brought on themselves.

Look, i think i've made my stance on gun's very clear... i don't like them, don't want anything to do with them, don't think we should have them... and luckily in the UK, we don't. Not to say we don't have people that die of gun injurys every year in the UK, but the rate is alot less than country's that still allow them to be legal... such as... oooh let's say, America.

For some reason this most recent shooting at a texas army base in America has failed to rile up any emotion in me... and there's several reasons for that.

1) Americans for the most part (not all of them, granted) seem very passionate about having guns, so let them have them, but see... that's the explination of thing's like this happening, gun's are legal, so they will fall into the wrong hands and incidents like this will happen.

2) How many people have died as a result of american army troops over the years in the east, and that news never seems to make it to the tv. The American government will tell you it's to "fight terrorism", yet are you aware that more innocent people have lost their lives in the east thanks to the American army troops, than the number of those who died in the new york on 9/11? Who is actually the terrorist?

3) How many times do incidents like this have to happen before they take the guns off the streets, and thus stopping as many guns getting into the wrong hands?

And there we go.

Just a little mixture of the thoughts that run through my head everytime i hear or read "breaking news, shooting in America". It's time to either deal with the problem, and i actually mean deal with it, or put up and shut up.

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