Thursday, 14 February 2013

The twisted fate on valentines day.

Above, is the picture of Lawrence King, Aka, Larry.

On the 10th of febuary 2013, i came across this posting....

Mom and Dad on Sunday, January 13, 2013 at 15:51
We should be celebrating your 20th birthday today. We love you and miss you very much!
Oxnard, CA

For those who have never heard of the Larry King case, it dates back to February 12, 2008. The day that Larry King was shot twice, by a boy who he'd asked to be his valentine. The twisted fate is that on valentines day, Larry life support machines were turned off.

As a person who came out during high school, i think i got a slight taste as to what Larry had to go through, the comments, people talking behind my back, slight physical things but never anything major in my eyes.

Larry's story was different to mine. He'd come out aged 10 and had fully embrased his femanine side, he'd even shown up at school wearing "womens" clothing, high healed shoes and jewlery. He'd been pushed around, threatend and used to bad things happening, even away from school.

I believe it's when Larry was two years old, he was adopted because his father had gone and his mother was addicted to drugs. Later in life, Larry was moved out of his adoptive home over alegations of abuse, something which the King family still deny to this day. Larry was living in a shared foster home at the time of his death.

To understand what Larry was going through, you have to kind of understand what his life was like. At school he was no stranger to being bullied and of course thing's away from school couldn't have been easy for him to cope with either.

On February 12, 2008, 15 year old Larry was shot twice by a 14 year old student Brandon McInerney, in the classroom. It's said that a day or two before this, Larry had approached Brandon and asked him if they could be valentines, in public.

We of course, will never know what was going through Brandon's mind when he was putting the gun into his bag and carrying out the killing, only Brandon can tell us that and to this date, he's still remained silent on this. It is worrying that Brandon would see this as the only way to deal with the problem he was facing, but before jumping to any conclusion about Brandon, we need to look a little more into his life.

His mother was a meth (drug) addict, his father, also an addict was also physically abusive at home to Brandon and his brother. One key person in the trial, who refused to speak, is a friend of Brandon's brother, who's vocal about being racist. I personally don't think that Brandon was a racist. He had spoken about being homophobic however.

Another thing that bug's me about this whole trial afterwards is that this was dropped as being a hate crime, it was said that this wasn't a pre-meditate murder, but if that was the case, why were Larry's friends told the day before the incident to say goodbye to Larry, as they'd never see him again?

It's true that on the day of the incident, two lives were ruined forever. Larry's friends and family would never be able to hold him again while he knew and Brandon's family would later only be able to see their child at visting times.

There is ALOT to this case and put simply, there isn't enough time to type about it all, let alone talk about it all on here, because much of it is still unknown and will remain unknown until Brandon speaks about what happend, himself.

This case for me, has been the time that i started to notice that there's still major problems within education systems that need to be addressed. Several teenagers have killed themselves because of bullying relating to sexuality. It is an issue that has seen little action in the years since Larry's killing and while Larry's story is far from being forgotten, it seems that lessons haven't been learned here.

I think we need to be taking a look at bullying and what it can lead to, in a little more depth than we already do. Teachers and people who work with children need futher training to be able to spot the sign's of bullying and how to deal with it when they see it happening.

More details of Larry's murder can be found by clicking here.

To sum up this whole mess, it happend because of 1 boy wanting to be happy on valentines day, the worst part is that he ended up taking his last breath on the day he wanted to be happy.

We shouldn't stand in the way of love and we need to teach acceptance of others. Then we can all move forward having learned from these sorts of incidents.

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