Friday, 15 February 2013

People to look up to.

For some years now i've been following the youtube channel DepFox.

The channel's video's go under "Gay Family Values" and are a very good effort at trying to show people that gay families do still operate in the same way as others. While their youtube channel isn't massive, their story was picked up and created into a film called "The Right To Love : An American Family".

I have a huge soft spot for this family, all of them by themselves are clearly some of the nicest people that you could want to have contact with. It thus, goes without saying that if i see people who say things against gay family's, i use their example and video's to try and educate others on what i see, when i see a gay family.

Truth of the matter is, most people reading this would just see 2 dads and their kids, a happy family unit just getting on with life as they can. Other's don't seem to be able to see that, much is the case of tory MP David Jones.

Look at this video i did of DepFox. It's their daughter singing btw....

I have noticed other people who seem to live their lives happily as a gay couple with children, but don't put it out there in public, which of course, is fine with me.

A few weeks back, a story ongoing in a soap opera... Corronation Street... led several charicters to a gay bar, which isn't a million miles away from where i live. Me being nosie, tweeted one of the actors and simply asked....

them "gay bar" bits, where is that bar?"
I recieved a reply within a minute or two....
via on canal st"
Great! I tweeted back a thanks and that was me left happy..... Only not for actor Charlie Condou....
See, someone replied to his tweet to me (bugs me when people do that at the best of times) and... well, this is what the person had to say over several tweets....
you are the reason that gay teenagers are killing themselves, you make it seem like being gay is a choice, you have no right to call yourself a fucking gay man, and you DO NOT deserve children you are the most pathetic piece of shit ever. to terrorize the fucking planet, I cannot believe you accepted that storyline it just shows that you will do anything for money and that is really sad, you have NO morals and I wish you nothing but the worst in life. one disappointed homosexual to you, you should have more respect for yourself and your boyfriend and you should have NEVeR accepted that storyline but then again you'll do anything for money cause you're a fucking cunt."
Now first of all with this, i will hold my hands up.... I don't know Charlie Condou, i'm not going to pretend that i do. Sure, I've tweeted him a few times in the past and he tweeted me back that night, but other than that... i don't really know him.
The reason for that is, he's an actor. I know of his work and i do have alot of respect for him... he's VERY good at his job! but with his personal life, i've not got a clue.
Now the storyline in the soap has been that the charicter Charlie plays was gay, but then fell in love with a girl and that's kind of where the storyline has been for the past few weeks now... I've heard there's developments on that, but again, i don't know.
The storyline for me, as a gay man, to watch has been really interesting. Ok it's rare for it to happen, but it DOES HAPPEN!!! Some people in life can go from straight to gay, just as gay men can decide they're straight. It's never a choice, you don't wake up in the morning and think "Hmm, today i'll be straight" or something like that and i think Charlie and the rest of the Corronation street people managed to get that point across, in that it wasn't just a drunken thing or.... anything like that.
It of course wasn't what i'd have done, because you know me, i'd love for there to be a happy couple on the street where nothing bad happens to them and they all live happily ever after in a cottage with roses around the door. I applaud the writers of the show because they saw a chance to do this storyline and ran with it.... and it turned out to make for some very good viewing.
Now, what SOME people can't get, is that Charlie is an actor. His soap charicter is in love with fellow charicter Maria, not him. No wait, that sounds nasty... I'm sure Charlie and Sammie (who play's maria) are very good friends in real life... but i'm on about in the soap... acting... feck it, lets move on.....
Of course, like any good actor or actress, im sure Charlie is open to people being critical of his work, speaking with him about things that could have been done differently or improvements to odd bits etc, but to recieve such vile comments? No need for it.
While Charlie didn't say anything about it, infact i don't even think he replied to the comments, i did. I felt absolutly disgusted that people could say that to someone who's just doing their job.
I didn't know (Still don't if im honest) that Charlie was gay in real life, or even that he had children. If these are true, then don't get me wrong, i'm sure he's a very good parent and... well i find it difficult to compliment people on being gay, without it sounding like a chat up line.... but im sure he's good at it anyway...
These comments come from someone who is trying their best to promote some song they have out. Laughable to me, that someone who's in the entertainment industry could be so dumb, but hey ho. For me, i don't hold an actor acountable for what they have had to act out, only if they've been awful at acting out something. I actually applaud Charlie for taking on this storyline (that's presuming he even had a choice in what happend to his charicter), it's something that i've never seen acted out before and gave a sort of light to the situation that people have found themselves in, in real life.
Hatred isn't needed, but this isn't even the point here!!!
Comments recently made by Tory MP David Jones said "I regard marriage as an institution that has developed over many centuries, essentially for the provision of a warm and safe environment for the upbringing of children, which is clearly something that two same-sex partners can't do."
"Which is not to say that I'm in any sense opposed to stable and committed same-sex partnerships."

Two huge problems with this one though.

Firstly, Marriage shouldn't be denied to people, marriage is about two people who love each other. Be them same sex or different skin colour, marriage is marriage. It has a different meaning to everyone who enters into it. To say that marriage is "essentially for the provision of a warm and safe environment for the up bringing of children" is a complete laughable joke to me. When my mother got a divorce, did she stop raising me because it was done outside of the marriage? NO!!!

The environment for raising children is down to the parents of the child. It has NOTHING to do with marriage at all since marriage is for the people who are in it and nobody else.

To say that gay couples can't create children is reason enough to oppose same sex marriage is a complete joke, because clearly, straight infertile couples get married, they can't have children, so does that mean that they wouldn't make good parents either?

This unbelieveably huge bit of knobrot is yet again blabbering on, living off the tax payer, while trying to deny them rights. It's reasons like him that i keep telling people to look at who they're voting for because in my eyes, it's pointless having people like this involved in politics because they simply stand in the way of progress.

So, to ANYBODY who feels that they don't know about gay family's, if you feel that allowing two people of the same sex to marry is only going to cause misery for everyone or that kids having same sex parents end up being bullied... then look again.

Gays have been able to marry in certain parts of the world now for years, has your marriage fallen flat because of it? No.

Gays have been able to adopt and have fertilaty treatment for years, has it caused your family to fall apart or for the gates of hell to be flung open? No.

Below, i post a video from Gay Family Values.

Watch it and then go explore their youtube channel. Having a closed mind on these topics is no longer acceptable.


  1. Hi Bev, not sure if you're interested but Charlie wrote a really great column about parenting their two kids between the three parents. It is at the Guardian:
    I wish he would write more! Great series.

    Great blog post, I love the conclusion! That MP is an idiot. But unfortunately some people don't care that they talk irrational rubbish that's based on ignorance and bias. If he had any integrity he would take the opportunity to look at the actual facts of parenting by gay people. I dare say he doesn't want to do that, he might have to change his mind and stop making his silly pronouncements!

    1. Hi thanks!!

      I saw Charlie's post not long after i'd finished typing this up, so we now know abit more about him. He really is a good writer and i would love to know more about him as a person. I've always imagined him to be a nice guy and i think that's why i was so angry to see him getting comments like he recieved on twitter, because he simply could have never deserved them!

      With times and minds changing over the whole marriage equality issue, hopefully more people than ever will see what this MP has said and of course decide better on who to vote for next time.

      Thanks for reading and thank you for your lovely comment! :)

  2. I'm very excited for all my gay friends about the Equal Marriage vote on 5 Feb. I'll be following progress closely! It is great that countries like the UK (well, for England and Wales for now) and France are moving ahead. Scotland is hopefully not far behind. There are also some US states where things are happening in the marriage equality area, and then the two court cases being heard in March (you can tell I'm a little obsessed following all that's going on). All that really feels like the world is becoming a much better place.
    It will make a huge difference to young gay, bi and trans kids growing up.
    Fingers crossed!

    1. Well hopefully if the supreme court can vote on it (which i'm not too sure when that will be) they'll be the last people in america to vote on it as they could make it mandatory for all states, which would be a huge step in progress if it can be done!

      The UK government do have a tendency to drag their heels when it comes to marriage equality, i mean it took us over a year to get it debated and voted on in the first place! Next few steps of course are the house of lords (not got a clue when this happens though) and then the queen will have to sign it off (which i don't see why she wouldnt, even though she's church of england).

      Hopefully equality on the marriage front will come soon and others can learn to not be afraid of the gay community etc :)
