C'mon it's the 21st century ffs....
Today, Channel 4 - which is owned by the Channel Four Television Corporation, a public body established in 1990, coming into operation in 1993....
.... Showed us all that yet again, they can't do live stuff anymore.
You see, here's the BIG flaw with channel 4, a lack of well known faces which are loved. Years ago they used to have celebs on the network, like Graham Norton, who was loved by many for his shows "So Graham Norton" and "Very Graham Norton" and alike....
He was later signed up by the BBC and to this day, is still there presenting a few different shows and seems to still be loved by alot of people in the uk.
So of course when it came to the coverage of the Olympics, the BBC won the contract. When it came to the Paralympics, Channel 4 won the contract to broadcast the games within the uk.
The BBC's coverage was... meh, it had alot of tech problems aswel as the annoying people talking over the opening and closing ceremony's. Infact, in the opening ceremony i still remember one presenter being that short of something to say, that he ended up saying "My cousin is down there taking part in all this".... Like i needed to know that!!!
When it came to the Paralympics, i kind of thought that channel 4 would have seen the criticizm that the BBC came under from the public online and would have changed their ways to better suit the outcries of most of the nation.... No.
So who did they choose to present it? Errr.... The two news readers of the channel, from a studio that looked VERY like a re-furbished newsroom i've seen before on that channel....
Anyway, so these guys who are more than capable of presenting these sorts of events are told what to do, and PLEASE be aware, i am NOT criticizing the presenters, they are simply paid to do what they're told to do, it's the people who told them not to STFU while people are trying to watch the opening ceremony that i have taken issue with.
You see, the opening show was amazing, but unfortuantly, i had to watch it with the mute button activated, because the presenters were even talking over some of the performing artists AND the official voice over which introduces each country as they come into the stadium.
Not only that, but every 20 mins or so, adverts would randomly start to appear.... Errrr hello, the main ceremony wasn't stopping for advert breaks, so why did you? YES some of you might be screaming, that it's their way of paying the bills, but here we have a channel that only a few nights before, played 6 hours none stop music video's... WITH NO ADVERTS, So WHY did they feel the need to ruin the event by putting adverts on?
Now here's the technical bit, but stay with me here.....
Each broadcaster can use the official images which are filmed by an independant company and are the same world over, they can also use the official sound feed, again, independant company, same world over....
So why on earth did channel 4 leave all of their microphones on ASWEL as the feed from the paralympic team? It created a MASSIVE problem while trying to listen to the music (In the breif moments the presenters did shut up) because the sound is delayed on the official feed (So any bad language can be bleeped out) but you can hear it about 3 seconds earlyer through the presenters microphones because they were kept on.... It sounded awful!!!!
I, for one, am through with channel 4 after this. I didn't watch alot of their content anyway, but their lack of skills to listen to what people had been complaining about for weeks, followed by the worst coverage of any paralympic ceremony i have ever seen, is enough for me to turn around and say, "Im done with you guys".
It really is an issue, but they won't apologise for it, nor will they change their ways for the closing ceremony....
Don't even know why i'm complaining, they won't care, they're too busy rolling in that money which they made from all them adverts shown during the ceremony.