The video above, i would ask that you watch and listen carefully to what is said in it.
See, i didn't hear much of this video the first few times i watched it, so it was only last night i fully heard Tallat's story.
Futher on from this, Tallat made it safely to the uk, and eventually, made it up to stay with me for 2 nights while we went to "The right to love : An american family" screenings in the uk.
Jay first messaged me on twitter, about Tallat staying with me after remembering i'm the organiser of the uk screenings and that i had said if him and Bryan and the rest of the Leffew's wanted to come over, they could stay with me.
I of course was more than happy to accept, i added Tallat on facebook a few moments later and sent him a message introducing myself to him.
Month's go by and we'd messaged each other a few times, but not spoken on the phone.... infact not even swapped phone numbers.
A few days before the screening and we swapped numbers, spoke abit more about time's and ways of him getting up here, aswel as where to meet etc.
The day before the screening and i went upto wigan, after getting a text off Tallat to say he was on his way. I was really nervous, but really excited too! As much as i'd spoken to Jay and Bryan, hearing about what Tallat was like, it was nothing to meeting Tallat in person.
First off, Tallat IS very good looking, but it's only as you get to know him that you find out he's one of the most polite, down-to-earth guy's you could ever want to meet.
He stayed for 2 nights and went home on the friday, after seeing the movie twice on thursday. I was (and still am) gutted to see him go back home. He's a person who's personality is addictive. To just be around him is so nice because he's just... Lovely!
All my friends met him, even my mother cooked him a full english breakfast before he left and all of them have said what a nice guy he is.
That's why watching that video at the top of this post is now so hard to hear and watch. Ok yes, for the both of them i think it was difficult to make, talking about topic's that you wouldn't talk about to many, but here they are, putting their hearts on their sleeves and letting the world in on aspects of their lives.
It get's me, the part where they say about how Tallat was shot at, pushed down the stairs etc, i can't imagine him ever doing anything bad enough to deserve such treatment. He's really not got a bad bone in his body.
As much as i want to take a dislike to what people did to him over there, leading to him trying to take his own life etc, i actually find an over-whelming calm coming over me, because if they hadn't have done the thing's they did to him, i wouldn't have gotten to meet him, nor would he be the man he is today.
A friend of mine years ago told me of how her mother was raped and that's how she was born. I wanted to feel anger towards her father, but i had to face facts that without him, i wouldn't have had that friend in my life.... Yes i do often have a strange way of thinking i know.
Now for the tough part of this blog writing (Luckily, i'm only writing so i can take my time and as many tissues as i like).
You see the next stage of Tallat's life, is going back to turkey to have an operation to remove a cancer tumor. If the operation goes well, Tallat does have plans to return to the uk, which would be my dream come true, but i do have to face some difficult facts myself.
You see, as much as i've only known Tallat for a few days, he's had a big impact on my life, so if this operation goes wrong, he could end up either brain damaged, or not recover ever from the operation.
His personality is what i'm addicted to, but as nasty as this sounds, even if he did recover with brain damage, i wouldn't care. I would still want him to be a friend of mine and i'd still want to be a friend of his. I know i said that ideally, he'll be coming back to the uk after recovering from the operation and getting on with his life, but i've always been raised to be prepaired for the worst to happen, because anything better than that is then a bonus and a nice suprise.
I know i will not be the only one worried about him when he has his operation, even my 85 year old nana has asked me for an address where she can write to him when he's in hospital. She knows about his story and the operation and everything, so it breaks her heart to think that someone so young will have to go through such a thing.
My final point on this, is that i ask you, the reader, to join me in sending good vibes and well wishes to him, when he has this operation and the recovery. I have friends world over who will be including him in their prayers and thought's and can't wait to hear the news that he's a-ok after the operation.
Thank you for reading.
I will be keeping this post updated as and when i hear any news.
An update.... Dated 7/9/12
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