Saturday, 2 September 2017

Who holds us back?

Listen to this song...

This song is beautiful to me, it's rhythm, it's calming and soothing tones really do set to get me into a mood which I pick, it can make me feel motivated, it can make me feel relaxed... it really is set to my mind how I want to feel after or during listening to this song, I can literally make my own world in my head just listening to this song. It's main lines of vocals are "You can do anything you want to, you can do anything" which today made me want to ask the question, who holds us back from doing what we want to do?

See for some time I have had visions in my mind about going to different places around the world, to go and explore, go and take on different activities, go and try different foods and all that jazz, but something holds me back and I can't quite put my finger on it.

When I look at going to different places around the world the idea really does excite me, everything from flying, to unpacking in the place where I am staying. I'm very much one of those people who like when I went to Turkey, we went to the places which are clearly built for tourists, but I went to other places where tourists didn't seem to be there, like one of our days out was to this small island which is only occupied by this goat which has a habit of attacking people. There was no bars, no shops, nothing. Granted, I was hungover, so I slept on the boat ride over and only managed to make it slightly off the boat, but I did manage to make friends with the goat, giving it a few rubs and saying hi... which I know sounds crazy, me talking to a goat, it wouldn't have a clue what I was saying, it would clearly only talk Turkish.

Stuff like this is what I want to go and explore in this life, but again, what or who holds me back?

When I want to go and explore one of the things I have to look at is the bank balance, and that's never in a good shape, so that holds me back. Even while working, it would hold me back because money never seems to be there for me, so who's fault is it? Is that my fault, is it my employers fault? I really don't know.

I guess with this post, there's never going to be an answer, but, to the statement "You can do anything" I reply... I can't, someone or something holds me back... what do you think it is?

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