Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Media distraction?

For some time now I've had a big problem with the large media companies around the world, being selective in what they report and how they report it.

For example, at first, the refugee crisis which is happening because of the war in Syria etc, was being reported as many immigrants trying to leave, then it went to migrants and now it is down to what it is, refugees, with not one of the media outlets trying to explain the difference between them all.

It is possible that it has been over-looked, but if the media is going to be reporting on some stories, they need to ensure that all bases are covered and that people know the truth.

It's also why I've had such a large problem with the media of late. There's a cute story/video doing the media rounds at the moment which tells the story of an elderly couple and the woman is on a bed and the husband sings to her, it's cute, but I think this could be serving up as a large distraction as only certain media outlets are reporting on this and not other things which are happening around the world.

Let's indeed take Syria for example, re-wind time and what happened there?

The people were rising up against their government, as was being done in several other countries at the time. The Syrian government stood its ground and eventually was called out for using force against it's own people, including (but not limited to) the use of chemical attacks against it's own people.

Not long after this first started being reported, the story seemed to be removed from the media. It's possible that people found the story boring and no longer wished to continue to read or hear about it, but look how that worked out... Because the next time the media returned to the country it was because the "Islamic" state had invaded the country and people were having to flee the country because it was as it is now, a war zone.

I not only condemn the media for dropping the stories of Syria, but because they stopped doing their reporting, many in other parts of the world didn't speak up and try to put and end to what was happening in the country.

Now for them, it's too late. We have a humanitarian crisis and it's not going to end anytime soon.

This isn't the only fault of the media though and there's a right wing man behind it.

Rupert Murdoch and his family.

Murdoch owns some of the most powerful news agencies in the world and can push through it's right-wing agenda stories to try and get the masses scared of literally everything. Fox news, Sky News, The daily mail, the Sun... you name a bad news outlet and i'm sure in one way or another, the Murdoch family is behind it.

For the future of this sort of media I worry, because people are starting to see the truth about topics that without the internet years ago, we would have never been able to research these said topics and find out the truth for ourselves.

Jeremy Corbyn, seemingly from the left of politics, has much of this media scared. He thinks differently and encourages other people to do the same, that is what they don't like. If you have seen any of the media recently and they have been running stories like "He didn't sing the national anthem" or "He won't get elected", even though to win the Labour leadership he was elected...

If you see any of them, then that media platform is scared, and probably some where along the line, Murdoch is involved.

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