Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Too much negative stuff to list!

Over the past week or so in the UK, we've had a nice bit of sunshine. The temp got up too, so it was of course making me happy. Typical then, that the day the rain really did return, would be the day it finally hit me just how much negative stuff there is in the world.

After a day of just pushing anybody and everybody and thing away, I finally took to social media to part-vent my frustration with the world i'm in and let people know... i'm not happy about everything! Which may come as a shock to some people because everybody think's I post everything on social media, which trust me, if you knew the half of it... you'd know I don't. I also do try and have a positive or a humoured look at the world, but there's only so long you can do that before you have to take a step back and go... "this is shit".

So, my facebook post... let's go through it then...

Billion and one things I could take to facebook and rant about, but, instead, an hour and a half chat with a friend and somehow the air feels a little more clear... in one way... more cloudy in another... so that's fun.

I really was on the phone to my friend for an hour and 32 mins to be exact. Not like that is anything new for us, it's just been a while since we have spent that amount of time on the phone together. When it comes to the cloud thing, it was over an issue which I won't go into detail about, but let's just say, people aren't being as upfront with me, as I would be with them. Instead, they talk to others about their issues, which eventually works it's way back to me... leaving me slightly more pissed off.

Thing is, with the cloud reference, it's that I was thinking one thing, which me and my friend talked through and sort of cleared that, but then there's other issues, which I was oblivious to, which have now come to light... so that's creating more cloud... if that makes sense... probs doesn't, but welcome to my facebook.

You know, I think I need a break from negative stuff, I really do. I surround myself with negative news, as I try to keep a track on what is happening in the world, like fukushima leaking dangerously high levels of radiation into the sea, like Russia STILL having a war over land which isn't theirs!

It's true. I follow news stories which has a negative impact on me, because I look at a certain situation and think "holy shit, somebody should do something about that"... but then nobody does anything, and since i'm still not a prime minister, I can do nothing! So yeah, the Fukushima power plant still leaking into the sea, is costing the lives of animals and doing damage to our planet. I'd have thought more people would have cared about this, but it's one of them... it's no longer making headlines, so not many people care.

The whole Russia thing. I've been complaining about Russia for years over it's treatment of LGBT people, an issue which STILL to this day is going on! Now that, has been brought back to the public eye abit recently when the BBC sent a crew over to Russia to see about the treatment of LGBT people... it documented what it saw and completely backed me up in saying... the treatment of these people is still shit! But of course, the only thing we hear about Russia, if anything, is about how they're having this war, claiming land, which isn't theirs... etc!

So, not much positive stuff to be found in those news stories... and they're only examples, their is so much more!!!!

Negative stuff finds its own way to me. I mean, 90% of the people on my facebook alone, wouldn't know how it feels to have your life's options broadcast on the TV, being told you don't deserve the same rights as everybody else, but welcome to the same-sex marriage debate which is once again the top trend on my FB, as not only the American supreme court makes a ruling, but now Ireland.

The Ireland thing has been making news recently as they go to vote over marriage equality. It's always a risk wondering what way they will vote, but I think the majority of people are going to vote for it... I know some high profile people are certainly in support of it.... (Click here to see a popular irish entertainer talking about the vote)

Thing is, that's close to home and yet there the people are... talking about me. Not by name, but some saying I shouldn't be treated the same as others. Ok, so that's about marriage, there's others that will go further and say I shouldn't be allowed to raise children... well, why not? When the time is right, i'm sure I could be a good parent... so, why not?

I finished off my facebook post on a lighter note...

Me thinks... this is the time I need a day at a spa.
I said I need a day at a spa.
Right, fine, i'm just going to sit here and be moody then.

And that was it.

Like I say, this doesn't scratch the surface of my mind, but it's a simple way of me saying... I ain't happy about stuff. Stuff, that will get sorted one day... but one thing at a time.

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