Thursday, 30 October 2014

Why bother to vote?

This post is mainly written because in 2015 the UK will all go to vote on the election which will decide who will be next to run the country (well, to a certain extent anyway). A number of people have said to me that they won't be voting in this coming election because of ______ reason. This is just a small post to try and boost them into making a vote, for whichever party it will be.

The main reason I want people to vote is because the UK people NEED their voices to be heard for once, we need to shout out if we're not happy. If you've ever for a second thought "The price of petrol is too high" "I should be getting a better wage" "Why aren't there more creative ways of generating electricity which will be better for the environment" etc... then you NEED to vote as these are political issues.

Don't get me wrong, I can see exactly WHY these people wouldn't want to vote, because I've been in their shoes before. Just taking it for granted that the right thing will change eventually, that somebody in the government will spot the mistakes and fix them.... but you really can only go on thinking like that for so long, before something inside you makes you get out and vote.

I should also mention at this point that this ISN'T a post of WHO to vote for, this is a simple WHY you should vote. It is clear through previous (and probably future) posts exactly who I will vote for and why, but remember, I have my own reasons for voting for them, and you should have your own reasons for voting for whoever you do.

Risks we face at the current time then....

Ok well, the Economy. I know, boooooring issue, but it's true, the economy hasn't been handled well. While on paper we might be X amount of pounds better off, if you do a little digging, you'll see that we have borrowed that money to clear the debt.... so we're still in debt. The economy really isn't miles off what would be called a "Tripple/quad dip recession". Now IF this happened, we're all screwed (unless you're rich that is). IF we went back futher in to recession then we would have massive problems and money would get tight for us all, even more than it has done in the past. If you think that you deserve a better pay packet and that the cost of living should come down... then you need to vote.

Another thing? Energy. Yip, a recent news story came out recently that a little Island just off Australia managed either a weekend or a week, using only renewable energy. Don't get me wrong, they had the oil to go as a back up, but they didn't need it. Germany is doing all it can to use more renewable energy and the UK.... well... we're not really doing much are we. Infact, some survey's and leaked reports have suggested that the government has all but scrapped it's plans for renewable energy investment, instead it's now trying to do more fracking, which loosens up the land and WILL cause a lot of damage and deaths for years to come IF they can do as much as they want to. If you want a better tomorrow, we have to look at what we're doing today. VOTE.

Politics effects 99% of things these days, things you wouldn't even think about, but once you know about them and what is happening, you too will want change to come. Too many laws get past without a vote from the general public (remember the slogan, we're all in this together, well, we're not), too much goes on without us knowing. Why does it take a couple to abduct their own child before we get funding for the NHS to begin being able to do better cancer treatment?

You will eventually find your reason to vote, this post probably hasn't done anything to persuade your mind, but, you have a political voice. Use it.

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