Thursday, 3 July 2014

Mixed up world - and i don't like it!

Today, has been one of the most worst days for news today, leading me to think that this world we live in is utterly fucked up and i really do not like it.

Let me start with the bad news, there's been the story run recently about a guy who while being in police custardy had his photo taken and when posted on the police facebook page for that county in america, the picture went viral because everyone thought he was so good looking. I've since seen other pictures of him, and he's really not.

But today's news is... he's been offerd a modeling contract... while he's in prison! WTF? Who in their right mind is going to want their brand to be advertised by such vile scum? Who is going to want a picture of him anyway? His victims?

It's a disgrace.

But the news for me just got worse.

A little while ago, around being 1 year old, Millie-Rose was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma, which is basically, a very aggressive form of cancer which is more often found in children than adults. After being diagnosed of course treatment started straight away, as did fundraising, as the family were thrown a life-line in the form of an operation that could have taken place in europe, which could get rid of the cancer, and no, the treatment is not available on the NHS in the UK, nor, would any funding be available from the NHS.

Fundraising was doing well, up until about a month or so ago. Millie began to become ill with infections, but, she'd prove all the doubters wrong time after time and would bounce back. Only, recently, she became ill again and the decision was made to make her unconcious while the hospital tried a whole range of medication to try and beat off this round of infection. A few days ago, there was a slight sign of improvement, but, tonight, Millie-Rose passed away.

We all have a certain amount of fight in us, there really is, only so much we can take, this latest wave of illness was just too much. It hit me really hard though, because 3 years old is too young to be passing away, and nobody, ever, should have to say goodbye to a 3 year old. It's just not right or fair.

Which for me, brings into question, where is this "god" figure that we hear of? Hmm? I mean, god is supposed to keep the good ones here with us, and smite those who commit acts that... well... piss him off, isn't that the way it goes? And i'm on about all religions here... why would ANY god want to take a child away?

Yet here we are, 2014, a criminal getting a modeling contract and an innocent child being taken away.

There's really not alot i can say in this post, because i'm still abit in shock and truth be told, in need of a beer or two and a bloody good cry.

So that's it. Day's with news like today are not good days, and it makes me question what sort of world we live in.

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