Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Religion extremeism in schools?

If recent headlines here are to be believed in the UK, then we have a major problem. Of course though, the media are hyping this story up which i first heard about a number of months ago now. The story goes that pupils in some schools are being treated differently due to them not being muslim, somehow, this is classed as extremeism, yet nothing was said years ago when it was the catholics or christians were doing this kind of thing.

Example? Hows about the time when my uncle (only in his teens at the time) was denied access to his own fathers funeral because he didn't follow that faith. That to me is extremeism, but of course the media at the time, infact, never, has had a campaign of hatred against that faith (i think it was the catholic faith).

What strikes me with this story is that i personally seem to have a view which isn't shared by others and the reaction from others really irritates me, because i can see the power the media has had in their damning of the muslim and islamic faith.

If this story is true, then like i say, yes, we might have a problem on our hands, unless their is muslim schools, as there is schools of all faiths in existance these days. All school's have to be honest and teach about other faith's which is why we have the lesson's dedicated to the studying of religions.

I personally don't believe this story though, i do think it's a bandwagon that the media are jumping on, and personally, after abit of thinking, this goes back to 9/11 in new york. That incident was blamed so much on these terrorists and how they brought down the world trade centres that people over-look the scientific reasonings behind these buildings being brought down, all 3 of them in new york.

What do i mean?

Let's for a moment look at the structure of the building and keep that in mind here. These buildings we're built to with-stand a plane crashing into it, from all angles, and you guessed right if you thought "but they did". We're told to believe that it was the heat from the flames that was caused by the ignition of the plane fuel, which heated up the metal, causing the whole of these buildings to come down within a matter of 11 seconds.

False. This cannot happen, it isn't possible. How to think of it? Well, remember here that the planes struck the top part of the buildings, surely the bottom half atleast should offer some support and even show resistance to collapse, should the tops of the towers begin to collapse.

Futhermore, what if i told you that many fire fighters, witnesses and suvivors have told their storys about hearing loud bangs, and seeing something like "malton metal lava" on the ruines. To me, 9/11 was an inside job, 100%. We'll never get the truth in our lifetime, but trust me, if you want to look into this and see what "the other side" are trying to shout about, then please look into this, you, as i was, will be suprised at what you find. Especially when you find a small programme where structure experts speak out.

Anyway, back to this story....

After this attack of course came the "war on terrorism", which during it's time saw an mass bombing of london, seen hundreds of soldiers killed, even one beheaded in london. Attempted bombings world over... and all blamed on the muslim faith. Yet surely if it was in the holy book for these people to do such actions, then more people who follow the faith would be doing them actions, right?

So, people are objecting to the way the pupils are being treated, segregated because of their faith.... the solution to that? We create muslim faith based schools, with parents free to choose where they want to send their children for their education.

People are saying that some staff are being forced out of their job, because they're not muslim. I personally haven't seen any evidance of this actually happening, but if it is true, then we need to look at who is forcing these people out of the jobs and their reason for it.... again, could a muslim faith based school be the answer to that problem?

People world over have a fear about islam and it's because it's a fear of the unknown. Islam isn't a faith of hatred, it doesn't say anywhere that gays are bad, that you should judge others by the colour of their skin, or that you should go and blow yourself up.

Spend some time, whenever you next have some spare time going through the muslim faith. Even talk to a muslim if you want. You'd be amazed what you can find out. There's really nothing to be scared of.

As for this news story, here's how it'll pan out. The education secretary for the UK will put a plan forward for drastic change to happen, he will condemn the actions of some people you have never heard of.... and the media will move onto the next story. In a few months time, no change will happen because it'll cost money the government isn't prepared to spend and you'll just go on happily through life thinking something changed.

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