Thursday, 13 March 2014

Nhs strike over pay? - Yeah, go for it!!!!

This one will only be a quick post because i'm actually off to get some much needed sleep after one hell of a day.

I say it's been one hell of a day, but, i've not been looking after people for the past 12 hours none-stop, constantly on my feet... such as, oooh i dunno, let's say a nurse.

NHS staff all over the UK last year were supposed to be jumping for joy at the news that they were to be gettng a 1% pay increase. This was said to be across the country.... only several area's have had to tell staff "actually, we cannot afford to give you the 1% pay increase". Let me just mention to you at this point, that this pay increase comes after around about a 4 year pay freeze deal that staff were pushed into.

Not only that, but todays news... the government seems to want the 1% back. 1% pay increase for some members of staf, 0% increase for others... and the government begrudges it to them? When how much has the cost of living gone up by? Errr... yeah, more that 1%.

So, NHS staff, by all means take your cause and go shout it out loud in london. Don't let them get away with this. The NHS is still something to be proud of and ALOT of hard work goes into it, starting at the ground level up. It deserves better pay and more staff to help cope with the work loads current staff are having to deal with. So, I, for one, am fully with any action NHS staff take.

Also... little note here... Dr's and Nurses are more than aware that they have a duty of care, even during strike action, people's lives are not going to be put into danger, staff will still work during strike times.... So support them.

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