Sunday, 18 November 2012

We got the marriage crazy's!

Above is an image that some of you are going to be looking at and thinking "Why on earth has he posted that?"

Truth of the matter is, back in the 1960's, black people were pushing for equality, they wanted to be treated exactly the same, that's what is shown on the left. On the right, you can see that the LGBT community are currently calling for marriage equality, in a number of places now too. This is called, marriage equality.

Why do i compare the two?

Back when black people were kept apart from white people, based purley on the colour of their skin (Let's not forget, they can't choose the colour of their skin) it of course meant that some people were going to call for equality, at one point or another. The amount of hate which these people recieved was un-believeable. For year's and even to this day (by some crazy people), people with a skin colour other than white, can still find themselves told that "god" does not like them, basically.

And there's the key to this, god. You remember that guy who said to love thy neighbour as thyself, who forgives people of their sin, who... in truth, couldn't care less what you look like or what you do, just as long as you follow the ten commandments then you're good to go. Well, according to his crazy's, they think it does matter, all of it, and how you will be condemmed to hell if you dare to do something that said person does not like.

But if you want to believe in heaven and hell, then you also have to believe in a talking snake actually existing too, so... yeah think about that.

But, back to the point here....

You see, equality was almost gotten by the black community, it of course, will never be at 100% because there's always going to be those few people who treat other's differently because of the colour of their skin.

Why do i mention this at all, i hear you cry? (Well, i don't, im not one of those crazy's).

Well, there's a massive similarity in between the two movements. Back when the black community started pushing for equality, is around about the same time as the LGBT community started pushing for equality too, although we were kind of late with our major push. These days though we push forward for marriage equality, we are told that god, does not want marriage re-defined, that he does not approve of gay people, that we're doomed to burn in hell etc etc etc.

You know, next time you hear a person saying that sort of thing, just think in your head....

Replace the words "gay rights" with "black rights" and "gays" with "blacks". All of sudden you can be transported back to the same arguments all those years ago. It's the same thing being said over and over again, yet what happens? Religion's and people get proven wrong. It was quoted by people that should black people be given the same rights as white people, that the world would end... has it? NO! Will it? NO!!!!

Exactly the same is said these days, how the world is going to end because of gay people, how marriage equality right's in new york, actually cause hurricane sandy.... yes! did you know that? Us gays, we caused that? EXACTLY, of course we did it, so bow down to our powerfulness, or were sending a tornado to your house.... or something...

Look, i know that was alot of text but i'm getting close to the point of this.... just have a watch of this video below....

Very cleaverly wrote! I LOVE this speech...

But in truth, he was a minority of speakers at this event.

What was happening? Well, a bill was being put forward to say that gay people shouldn't be refused employment because of their sexuality. This wasn't actually do with marriage equality, but it still shows you just how close the hatred is from outsiders.

So who are the marriage crazy's i reffer to?

Well, for a while now, i've been able to sit and watch, as america battles out the marriage equality debate. Watching the LGBT and supporters side speak of how it isn't right to be treating others differently, to the other side which seem to use either religion or nature as an argument that it's perfectly find to treat others differently, deny them rights etc.

Marriage equality is now something that is going through the UK's houses of parliment (about time). But when it comes to politics, the UK is rarely the ones to have crazy's, when it comes to equality. Sure there's hatefilled groups which can't stand the fact that theres immigration, or people with different skin colours etc, but they don't have alot of support tbh...

However, marriage equality is bringing people out of their shells! The uk government infact, had their first anti-marriage equality rally held outside one of their events.... Wait, thats worded wrong, the government didn't organise it.... But, it seems this is going to be one topic which is going to split the country.

Here's the two sides and what they're saying and why....

Ok so, the LGBT community and it's supporters call for marriage equality. That is for people of the same sex to be able to marry, should they want to.

  • Ensure that LGBT couples can marry and have equal protection under the law, same as heterosexual married couples.
  • Ensure that civil partnerships are defined as such and is not confused with marriage equality.
  • Signal the end of the world.
  • Force places of worship to change their faith in order to accom same-sex couples who want to be married.
  • Allow human beings to marry animals.
  • Promote pedophillia.
  • End religion.
  • Re-define marriage.
  • Force people to change their points of view on the LGBT community
  • Change the text of books of worship.
  • Push for places of worship to be closed down.
All of the "Does not" part, is in response to just some of the arguments against marriage equality.

So, why am i happy about seeing the marriage crazy's?

Well, as un-popular as the idea of two people getting married might be to others, it's equality. People who argue against equality are always the one's stood on the wrong side of the argument, as is proven world over, equality win's, eventually.

To see the marriage crazy's out, with their weird and wonderful excuses against marriage equality, mean's they feel under threat. When they feel under threat, it signal's that they're not on the popular side as much, so try to get people to think the same way that they do, which mean's getting themselves out there at these rally's and talking to others, making their own voice heard etc.

I on the other hand, know that we will have marriage equality soon in this country. Should it even go to a public vote (It won't, but if it did) recent survey's show that marriage equality has more people for it, than against it.... yey!

Finally, i'd just like to point out something here, for those who didn't notice this....

Remember a while back, that guy called mitt romney?

Well, he was another one of the opinion, that marriage is defined as being between 1 man and 1 woman. It's not, but he thought it was. Now, his argument against it was that it would re-define marriage.... again, it wouldn't.

But he wanted to change the constitution of america, to say that marriage is between 1 man and 1 woman. So ask yourself, who really wanted to make the change there?

If you can't make up your mind as to where you stand on the marriage equality issue, then take a look at the depfox channel on youtube. They're a family, which hold onto your hats here.... Are a gay married couple (Dammit lost my hat) AND have adopted kids too (Dammit, now my toupee flew off too).

There's a post coming on christmas day, on this blog, which include some of the depfox channel video's of them celebrating christmas. But let me show you one of their other video's to start you off and remember, if you want to know about a gay family, what they look like, what they do as a family etc, then look at the rest of the video's on this channel.

Finally, there's something to be said :O shocking right?

Well, just remember, if someone ever turns around to you and says that you can't do something, because of your sex, sexuality, race, appearance etc and their excuse is "that's the way it is" don't believe it.  You can make change happen.

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