Thursday, 12 July 2012

Gay teen problems? Errrr no.

You know, these days i gotta be honest and say it.... I'm FED UP of these "Gay teen problems" or "Gay boy problems" that people so often use on social media these days.

People often will use these quotes when talking about how they can't get a boyfriend or a girlfriend of the same sex. In truth these problems are common in the straight community too, so please can someone explain to me how on earth your problems are related directly to your sexuality?

It would seem that people now want to use their sexuality to blame their life problems with. In reality, a persons sexuality is to do with who they have sex with and who they love in life.

Now it isn't just sexuality that people blame, it does also extend to race and... well... everything. It's gotten to stop!!!

If we go back to the orig point, a "Gay teen problem" would be other kids beating you up at school, Discovering your true sexuality and sexual urge's etc etc etc.

A "Gay boy problem" would be if you were getting hate off people because of your sexuality, not being able to do something because of your sexuality etc.

In short, grow up and stop using your sexuality as a reason that you can't do something that others may not be aware of because theyre not within your community.

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