Sunday, 27 May 2012

Workin' 9 to 5 (What a way to make a living)

Sad as it my sound, or dull some may say, i want a 9 to 5 job.


Because there's so much more good stuff that goes with it than just earning money!

Wether it's being one of the first customers in a shop, smelling the bread they've just finished cooking, or maybe it's being able to sit next to the good looking guy on the bus.... theres so many advantages!

For the past week and the week ahead, i've been on a training course, which im kind of enjoying.... :S But thats another story anyway.

To get me to this place of a morning, i need to be walking out my front door at ten to 7 in the morning, then walking for about half an hour, then straight onto the bus and away for the day. Now all this is great and i really do enjoy it. For some reason, while everyone protests about how theyre "not a morning person", myself included in that, it's got to be said that world is rather good looking of a morning.

Everything from the early morning sun, to watching people starting their days ahead. I love it.

I've also gained a new hobby, guess what the person is doing. It's rather interesting. If you're on a bus, try it, your imagination can just go mental. So, ask yourself while on the bus "Why is that person getting the bus, what have they been doing, where are they going" etc. It's just another way of passing the time i guess.

Anyway, i've not wrote on here in a little while, so i thought i should post something just so you all don't think i've died or something.... :)

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